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Welcome to Bangladesh Medical College




Messages of College



Dr. Mohammad Abdur Razzaque, MP

Honorable Minister, Ministry of Agriculture

Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Chairman, EC

Bangladesh Medical Studies and Research Institute (BMSRI)

It is my privilege to welcome the students seeking admission into Bangladesh Medical College. This is the 1st Medical college in private sector in Bangladesh and it has already achieved lot of lauraels in this field. Many students of this College are now established as renowned physicians at home and abroad. The ever active highly qualified and efficient professors and other faculty members are dedicated and motivated have now earned name for becoming a centre of excellence and they are fully committed to produce best doctors who can fulfill the hopes and dreams of people of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Medical College (BMC) is one of the three units, others being Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) and Bangladesh Dental College (BDC) under the Bangladesh Medical Studies and Research Institute (BMSRI), the apex body. Over the period of service since inception, BMC has produced over 3000 doctors, including some from foreign countries.

The College is enlisted in the World Health Orgaization (WHO) directory which entitles recognition of the graduates of this College all over the world. The training in our College Hospital is recognized by the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS) for higher examinations.

Bangladesh Medical College (BMC) has 600 beded hospital where all the specialty departments are available for adequate students' teaching. The College is adequately equipped with state of the art teaching aid, facilties and infrastructure build on its own premises, the hospital can rightfully boost of its facilities. The library of the college is rich with text book and reference materials with the capability to cater to the needs of education and research.

I hope students will keep the college vibrant with their good academic and social activities. I wish all new comers with success and good health.


Prof. Dr. Deen Mohd. Noorul Huq

Chairman, Governing Body

Bangladesh Medical College

It is with great pleasure that I welcome students of Bangladesh Medical College, the first medical college of the non government sector in Bangladesh. It has been the tradition over the years that those securing admission in this medical college are among the top performing candidates. This attests to the high quality of infrastructure, teachers, and the teaching imparted by this College.

Medical education is different from all other branches of education in that it requires many things from the student besides intelligence, Hard work is needed, but even more important is the quality of empathy, the ability to feel for others.

More than 2300 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates laid down the principles we still follow. A doctor pledges his life to the service of humanity and his or her first consideration is the well being of their patients not self gain. Any deviation from this can only demean the profession.

In this country, indeed in the world as a whole, there are and there will be patients in need of service of a doctor. But the profession has been falling short of the expectation of the society. It is my hope that you will uphold the values that has made the profession exceptional.


Prof. Paritosh Kumar Ghosh

MBBS, M.phil (Path)

Professor and Head of the Dept. of Pathology


Bangladesh Medical College

I am delighted to welcome the candidates seeking admission into Bangladesh Medical College (BMC) which is rocognized as a centre of excellence in teaching and patient care. Many students of this college are now renowned physicians at home and abroad. Highly qualified members of the faculty are dedicated and fully committed to produce best doctors who can fulfill the hopes and aspirations of people of the country. In this college, the students are highly valued and the academic programme is well organized.

In addition to the academic programme, Faculty members are available to the students to assist, support, counsel and give guidance to solve their problems. Students are also encouraged to participate extracurricular activities such as sports and cultural events. BMC is enlisted in the World Health Organization (WHO) directory which entitles the graduates of this college recognition all over the world. The College Hospital is an advanced tertiary care health facility and provides excellent quality of care to patients at an affordable cost. The Campus has adequate specialty departments for student teaching. The training given to doctors is recognized by the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS) for higher examinations.

Every academic institution needs a good library and BMC has a well-stocked libary with international and national journals for students and teachers. The library has internet connection for online literature searching as well as a website containing information about the College. BMC publishes a medical journal twice a year. The Faculty members are constantly seeking newer methods of teaching and putting their best efforts so that learning processess are facilitated. Most of the departments, lecture and tutorial rooms are accommodated in a spacious place. I wish a happy and bright success of new Students.